| December 21, 2024
Dr. Ahmad Hamaed
Assistant Professor
Biological Sciences and Chemistry-Chemistry Section
College of Arts and Sciences
Telephone: (+968)25446200 Extension: 708 eMail: ahmed.hamaed@unizwa.edu.om Office Location: 32-21
Received Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry in 2010 from the University of Windsor, Canada, and B.Sc. in Chemistry and Biochemistry in 2005 from the University of Windsor, Canada. His research interests are: Hydrogen Storage Materials, Renewable Energy, Nitrogen Activation
Assistant Professor
Biological Sciences and Chemistry-Chemistry Section
College of Arts and Sciences
Received Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry in 2010 from the University of Windsor, Canada, and B.Sc. in Chemistry and Biochemistry in 2005 from the University of Windsor, Canada. His research interests are: Hydrogen Storage Materials, Renewable Energy, Nitrogen Activation
Research Activities
Direct link to page: https://www.unizwa.edu.om/staff/cas/ahmed.hamaed | Download CV