|   02 يوليو 2024م

الدكتورة. بدرية بنت حمد الرقيشية
المسجل العام
عمادة القبول والتسجيل
  • هاتف: 25446499(968+)
  • محول: 499
  • البريد الإلكتروني: alruqishi@unizwa.edu.om
  • موقع المكتب: 1-22
  • فاكس: 25446338(968+)
  • يعمل في الجامعة: منذ 2004
  • الحالة الاجتماعية: ..

  • المؤهلات الأكاديمية
    • PhD in Natural Resources Economics، Sultan Qaboos University ، 2021، FARMER`S MARKET PARTICIPATION; THE ROLE OF COLLABORATIVE ARRANGEMENTS”;
    أنشطة التدريس
    • GCC Economics,
    • Principle of Micro Economics
    • Experimental Economics
    • Exprmetric، 2019
    • New institutional Economics.
    الأنشطة البحثية
    - الاهتمامات البحثية
    • experimental economics
        - المنشورات
        • 1. 2023 Robo academic advisor: Can chatbots and artificial intelligence replace human interaction?، Mohammed Muneerali Thottoli 1 * , Badria Hamed Alruqaishi 1, Arockiasamy Soosaimanickam 1
        • 2. 2023 Impact of Psychological Capital on Academic Adjustment Among International Students From Gulf Corporation Council Countries
        • 3. 2020 Contractual agriculture: better partnerships between small farmers and the business sector in the sultanate of Oman، Badria Hamed Al Ruqishi, Tarig Gibreel, +2 authors S. Zekri Published 2020
        الخبرة الإدارية
        • 2015 - الآن: The Registrar (Dean of registration & Records
          • Developed the Strategies and operational plan for Deanship of Registration and Records in alignment to the University’s mission and its core objectives. • Managed and oversee both Undergraduate and Post graduates Admission, Registration and graduation. • Established steering committees for the Deanship. • Administer, motivate and assess the staff at Deanship. • Developed Deanship Annual operational Plans • Automated the process of registration, admission, records and graduation functions • Identify enrolment trends and patterns of withdrawal across the university and provide recommendations to the chancellor on the number of enrolments required to sustain the university in future years to assist with Strategic planning. • Produced academic performance report on key performance indicators such as retention, progression, probation and graduations LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE: • Managed and led 30 staff members and three directors from 2007 until present. • Served as a member in the staff recruitment committee. • Created job descriptions for each staff. • Motivated the deanship staff to achieve better performance. • Skilled in resolving issues related to student affairs rapport with interdepartmental constituents. • Created strategic plan for the deanship of Registration and records. • Participated in the university wide decision-making, as member of the administrative committee composed of the chancellor, deans, dean of the student’s affairs, finance director and human resources director. • Planed, organized and coordinated formal orientation weeks of students and informal orientation and training of staff. • Coordinated schedules with other colleges to ensure there is adequate service coverage. • Enabled teamwork, collaboration and information sharing to foster better customer service. • Coordinated the collection and maintenance of statistics for planning and reporting purposes (internal, external and government). • Developed, implemented, monitored and evaluated procedures and policies for admissions and registrations. STATISTICS AND REPORTING • Monitored and reported retention, graduation and progression rates to Chancellor on a semester basis. • Managed and analyzed vast data, it for the purpose of building up the marketing strategy. • Reviewed the university`s capacity report that is sent to the Ministry of Higher education. • Reviewed a report on the status of the scholarships and sent to the Ministry of Higher education. • Ensured the accuracy of student records and grading each semester by coordinating audit reports and other quality assurance checks of student records. • Ensured the security and protection of a variety of records from damage and unauthorized use. MARKETING & COMMUNICATION EXPERIENCE: • Developed marketing communication plans including goals and tactics to retain the current students. • Achieved the University of Nizwa’s objectives by controlling the allocated and available resources, influenced on many students to join the university through my own developed marketing strategy, lead the Deanship of R&R efficiently and I met the all standards of quality. • Organized 12 successful graduation ceremonies at the university and prepared 12 well organized and well-designed booklets for this great ceremony. • Prepared the content of 12 Admission guides. • Presented the university at exhibitions, broadcast and interviews. • Implemented 24 successful orientation weeks before the commencement of each semester. • Delivered many presentations to the Academic Council concerning the student’s achievement, retention and progression rates. • Presented 12 successful participation in (GHEDEX) Global Higher Education Exhibitions. • Being the university spokesperson in both broadcast and interview for 12 times. • Represented the University in Ministry of Higher Education to discuss strategic issues. STUDENTS’ ADVISING • Involved in student advising since the inception of the university and led the Automation of advising system. • Oversee the academic Advising process for on probation students. • Ensured that students complete on timely manner the degree requirements for graduation. • Ensured to have office hours for my students taking courses with me. • On semester basis, I present a workshop on “Advising and Academic Regulations” to the new comer’s faculty at the university of Nizwa. CHAIR, CREDIT TRANSFER AND COURSES EQUIVALENCY COMMITTEE • Reviewing and endorsing the course equivalency for all double degree students and transferred students from different majors. • Focusing on the needs of students from enrolment through graduation, with a special emphasis on the needs of students who transfer credit from other institutions. • Enhancing outreach and information for prospective and admitted students. • Exploring opportunities to centralize services for transfer students. • Expanding programming and services, including advising, orientation and other transition services, and the evaluation of transfer credit. • Evaluating the effectiveness of current and proposed initiatives that strengthen the experience and the success of students. MEMBER,UON LEARNING ENHANCEMENT FEEDBACK SYSTEM As a member of UoN learning Enhancement Feedback System, • Participating in planning, assessing and monitoring program effectiveness against the indicators set in the assessment plan of the goals and against the program goals and objectives. • Participating in classroom visits which were randomly chosen by the UoN Learning Enhancement Feedback System. • Reviewing the goals, objectives and learning outcomes of each program and courses, and ensure that the course delivery and assessment tools employed for each course are consistent with the learning objectives of the program. • Revising the program structure, program curriculum course syllabus and textbooks employed once in every semester. • Revising new proposed programs • Make recommendations on the assessment of learning outcomes, in connection with: policies and procedures, documentation, schedules, and technology-based learning solutions.