|   01 يوليو 2024م
Ph. Sujith Haridass
Ph. Sujith Haridass
Clinical Instructor ,School Web Coordinator & Convener School of pharmacy Board
School of Pharmacy.......
كلية العلوم الصحية
  • هاتف: 25446230(968+)
  • محول: 230
  • البريد الإلكتروني: sujith@unizwa.edu.om
  • موقع المكتب: 33-21.......
  • يعمل في الجامعة: منذ 2010
  • الحالة الاجتماعية: Married ......

    • Qualification: M.Pharm 
    • University: The Tamilnadu Dr.MGR Medical University, India
    • Area of Specialization: Pharmacology
    • Research Interest: Cancer Biology & Cancer research , Drug discovery & development, Sports pharmacy, Pharmacovigilance, Patient safety , Pharmacy education, Pharmaceutical care in community pharmacies
    • Teaching Philosophy:

    Being a pharmacist and as a university educator my teaching philosophy is focused on the concept that, I am a facilitator of student learning process and the students are responsible for their own learning as the mainstream of my teaching is through didactic and online forums. I create multiple discussion topics to keep the online discussion exciting and stimulating and to address the learning objectives. My teaching philosophy also includes the concepts of professionalism, ethics, and accountability. My objectives as a university educator are to nurture critical thinking skills, to facilitate the acquisition of lifelong learning skills, to support the students to develop evidence-based clinical problem-solving skills , to prepare students to function as highly skilled and competent pharmacists across the scope of pharmacy practice and to motivate pharmacy students to be Entrepreneurs

    المؤهلات الأكاديمية
    • Certificate course in Translational Research ، Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka – India، 2022
    • M.Pharm، The Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR Medical University ، 2003
    • B,Pharm، The Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR Medical University ، 1999
    أنشطة التدريس
    • Social, Administrative & Legal Aspects of Pharmacy Practice (PHCY306)، This course provides an understanding of social, behavioral, managerial and legal aspects with highlight on its implications regard to patient care. It also equips the students to develop leadership, decision making and management roles in providing pharmaceutical care through an evidence based, legal and ethical practice of pharmacy. The course also focuses on the drug regulatory aspects and approvals.، 2022 to Present
    • Pharmacy Law & Regulatory affairs (PHCY481)، Laws on Practice of Pharmacy profession in Oman and Drug regulatory Affairs ، 2014 to present
    • Entrepreneurship, Creativity & Innovation (MNGT100L)، Entrepreneurship,Creativity & Innovation ، 2016 to present
    • Practicum-5 ( PRCM-5) Industrial Pharmacy training )، Facilitating & Monitoring of Industrial Pharmacy training for Students، 2010 to Present
    • Practicum-6(PRCM-6) ، Facilitating and monitoring of Outpatient pharmacy training for Diploma students ، 2010 to Present
    • Pharmacology-1(PHCY140) ، General Pharmacology & CNS Pharmacology ، 2010
    • Pharmacy Professional Training -3(PHCY0420)، This course introduces the student to the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals at industrial scale. The student will learn about manufacturing plant set up, infrastructural facilities, functions of various units and their seamless inter-relations. The course will expose the student to the industrial pharmacy practices including good manufacturing practices, quality assurance procedures, storage, warehousing and handling techniques of bulk raw materials and finished products. The student will learn the process of formulation development, manufacturing process of various dosage forms and quality control involved. The course also covers the aspects of regulatory and marketing procedures of pharmaceuticals، 2023 to Present
    الأنشطة البحثية
    - الاهتمامات البحثية
    • Assessment of Knowledge and care practice among asthmatic women of childbearing age
    • Asthma knowledge, care, and outcome during pregnancy
    • Cancer Biology
    • Pharmacovigilance & Herbovigilance
    • Drug discovery & Development
    • Sports Pharmacy
    • Neurodegenerative disease: models, mechanisms
    • Pharmacy Education
    • Patient safety culture assessments in Primary health care facilities
        - المنشورات
        الخبرة الإدارية
        • 2017 - الآن: Convener, School of Pharmacy Board - University of Nizwa
        • 2017 - الآن: Web co-ordinator - School of Pharmacy
        خدمة المجتمع
        • 12/05/2022: • Co-Presenter & Trainer, Preceptor training workshop program ‘Enhancing our Preceptor Practice’ organized by College of Pharmacy & Nursing, University of Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman•
        • 20/05/2021: • Co-Presenter & Trainer, Preceptor training workshop program ‘Enhancing our Preceptor Practice’ organized by College of Pharmacy & Nursing, University of Nizwa and Royal Hospital, Sultanate of Oman, 2021.
        • 16/03/2012 to 22/03/2012: Co-ordinator, Preceptor Training workshop, Organized by School of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy & Nursing
          العضوية في الهيئات المهنية
          • 2022-الآن: • Member of the International Society of Pharmacovigilance (ISoP).
          • 2003-2010: Registered Pharmacist, Ministry of Health, Sultanate of Oman
          • 1995-2020: Registered Pharmacist, Kerala State Pharmacy Council ,India


            الرابط المباشر للصفحة: https://www.unizwa.edu.om/staff/chs/sujith    |    تنزيل السيرة الذاتية