|   01 يوليو 2024م

أحمد بن ناصر الرواحي
مختبرات دارس
  • هاتف: 25446200(968+)
  • محول: 470
  • البريد الإلكتروني: ahmed.alrawahi@unizwa.edu.om
  • موقع المكتب: 26-43...
  • الحالة الاجتماعية: ..

  • Mr. Ahmed Al Rawahi received his B.Sc. degree in Biotechnology from college of science at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU), Sultanate of Oman in 2015. At the same year he was working as a research assistant at the department of biology at SQU. He is working in the chair as Researcher Assistant. His current researches involve in isolation of different microorganisms from different ecosystems and screen them for possible production of bioactive compounds.

        الأنشطة البحثية
