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الدكتور سوادين كومار موندال
الدكتور سوادين كومار موندال
Associate Professor
Department of Economics and Finance...
كلية الاقتصاد والادارة ونظم المعلومات
  • هاتف: 96274493(968+)
  • البريد الإلكتروني: swadhin@unizwa.edu.om
  • موقع المكتب: 11-H-11...
  • يعمل في الجامعة: منذ 2017

  • المؤهلات الأكاديمية
    • PhD in Economics، Vidyasagar University, India، 2013
    أنشطة التدريس
    • Econometrics
    • Intermediate Microeconomics
    • Economics of GCC
    • Introduction to Economics
    الأنشطة البحثية
    - الاهتمامات البحثية
    • His current research area of interests includes health financing, health equity, health system research, pharmaceutical economics and related fields
        - المنشورات
        • 1. 2017 “Health Policy Changes and Its Effect on Equity in Health Financing in India”, Journal of Quantitative Economics(Springer) DOI :10.1007/s40953-017-0105-4, 2017
        • 2. 2016 “Review of Equity in Health and Healthcare Financing in South East Asia”. In Health system Strengthening: Country Experiences. Editor- P Geeta. Publisher-Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2016
        • 3. 2016 “Does Elderly Health Impact Poverty? Evidence from India” (with Gupta I). In Policy Challenges from Demographic Change in China and India. Editor- Karen Eggleston. Stanford University Press 2016
        • 4. 2016 “ Bottled Drinking Water Industry in India: An Economic Analysis,” ISID Working Paper Series(WP-194), September 2016, http://isid.org.in/LaWp.html
        • 5. 2015 “Clinical trials industry in India: A systematic review” , ISID-PHFI Collaborative Research Programme: Working Paper Series, 2015 http://isidev.nic.in/pdf/WP179.pdf
        • 6. 2015 “Are Rural Medical Practitioners in India Competent?”, Evaluation & the Health Professions Vol. 38 No.4: 563-567(Sage Publisher, University of Southern California), 2015
        • 7. 2014 “Health policy changes and their impact on equity of financing among households in India”, ISID-PHFI Collaborative Research Programme: Working Paper Series, (WP161), February 2014
        • 8. 2014 “Urban health in India: Who is responsible?”(with Gupta I) International Journal of Health Planning and Management DOI: 10.1002/hpm.2236 ( Wiley Blackwell, Keele University), February 2014
        • 9. 2014 “Catastrophic out-of-pocket payment for healthcare and implications for household coping strategies: evidence from West Bengal, India``(with Lucas H, Peters D and Kanjilal B.). Economics Bulletin Vol.34 No.2 PP.1303-1316(Vanderbilt University), June 2014
        • 10. 2014 “Health spending, macroeconomics and fiscal space: a study of SEAR countries” (with Gupta I). WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health Vol.3 No.3. PP.171-182 October-December 2014
        • 11. 2013 “Health care services in India: A few questions on equity” , Health Vol.5,No.1, pp.53-62 (SCIRP-Harvard Medical School) 2013
        • 12. 2013 “How costly is safe sex? An economic analysis of the commercial sex market in India”(with Gupta I), Global Health Perspectives Vol.1,No.1, pp.25-32(Maralte publisher, University of Michigan) 2013
        • 13. 2013 “Fiscal Space for Health Spending in South East Asia”(with Gupta I). Journal of Health care Finance Vol.39, No.4 pp-68-82(Wolters Kluwer, New York), summer 2013
        • 14. 2010 “Health care in the Sundarbans (India): challenges and plan for a better future” (with Kanjilal B ) http://www.futurehealthsystems.org/docs/India 2010
        • 15. 2010 “Catastrophic out-of-pocket payment for health care and its impact on households: experience from West Bengal, India”( with Kanjilal B, Peters D and Lucas H. ) CPRC website, University of Manchester, UK, 2010 http://www.chronicpoverty.org/uploads/publication_files/mondal_et_al_health.pdf
        • 16. 2009 “Efficiency and financing in catering primary health care to the poors: a study of rural health services in India”(with Sengupta A) Journal of Health Management, Vol.11,No. 3, pp501-526, 2009 (Sage publisher
        • 17. 2008 “Barriers to access immunization services: a study in Murshidabad, West Bengal” (with Kanjilal et al) Research for Development, DFID, UK. 2008 http://r4d.dfid.gov.uk
        • 18. 2008 “Catastrophic health care payment: how much protected are the users of public hospitals?” (with Kanjilal et al) Research for Development, DFID, UK. 2008 http://r4d.dfid.gov.uk/PDF/Outputs/FutureHealth_RPC/Indiabriefhospitals_ResBrief4.pdf
        • 19. 2007 “A parallel health care market: rural practitioners in West Bengal, India”. (With Kanjilal et al) . Research for Development, DFID, UK. 2007 http://r4d.dfid.gov.uk/Output/178400/
        • 20. 2007 “Health, Equity and Poverty: Exploring the Link in West Bengal, India” (with Kanjilal et al.). Future health system: innovation for equity. 2007. www.futurehealthsystems.org/publications
              العضوية في الهيئات المهنية
              • 2017-الآن: • Member of Indian Health Economics and Policy Association(IHEPA) • Member of International Health Economic Association(iHEA) • Member of International AIDS Society (IAS) • Member of The Indian Econometric Society(TIES

                Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=dyoccEIAAAAJ&hl=en

                الرابط المباشر للصفحة: https://www.unizwa.edu.om/staff/cemis/swadhin    |    تنزيل السيرة الذاتية