|   01 يوليو 2024م
الدكتور كوثر ياسمين
الدكتور كوثر ياسمين
استاذ مساعد
Department of Economics and Finance.........
كلية الاقتصاد والادارة ونظم المعلومات
  • محول: 570
  • البريد الإلكتروني: yasmeen@unizwa.edu.om
  • موقع المكتب: 11-H-8.........
  • يعمل في الجامعة: منذ 2017
  • الحالة الاجتماعية: Married.........

  • د. ياسمين، شخصية بارزة في الساحة العلمية، تزين جامعة نزوى في سلطنة عُمان بحضورها الرفيع كأستاذ مساعد. تتميز بخبرة أكاديمية وإدارية، وتظهر براعتها بوضوح خلال فترة قيادتها المتميزة كرئيسة لقسم الاقتصاد في جامعة بريستون. في الوقت الحالي، تدير ببراعة برنامج البكالوريوس في الاقتصاد والتمويل في جامعة نزوى، وتنسق سيمفونيتها الأكاديمية. في مسارها التعليمي، يتسم ذروتها الأكاديمية بحصول الدكتورة ياسمين على درجة الدكتوراه في الاقتصاد. تتميز هذه الرسالة العلمية الرائعة بدعمها وإثراءها بدرجة الماجستير في الفلسفة في الاقتصاد، ودرجة البكالوريوس في التربية، وزمالة بعد الدكتوراه المرموقة لمدة عام واحد، مما يشهد على سعيها المتواصل نحو التفوق الأكاديمي. البحث: في الميدان العلمي، تظهر الدكتورة ياسمين كقوة لا يُعبأ بها. تحت رعاية جامعة نزوى، قادت بحنكة ثلاث رحلات فكرية تموَّلها مركز البحوث والابتكار. يمتد مجموع بحوثها بشكل واسع وعميق، يشمل النشرات، مع تزيينها بصياغة كتابين بارزين وفصلين. ولا يمكن إغفال روعة أوبوسها ``المؤسسات المالية الإسلامية: دراسات حالة من دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي`` والذي نقش نفسه كركيزة لا غنى عنها في الأدبيات الأكاديمية. التدريس: تمتلك الدكتورة ياسمين حماسة طبيعية للتدريس، وتمزج منهجيتها التعليمية برشاقة بين التقليدي والمعاصر. بعيدًا عن إيقاع المحاضرات التقليدية، ركّبت سلسلة من ورش العمل الأكاديمية، مما يضفي معيارًا ذهبيًا في سجلات الطبقة التعليمية.

    المؤهلات الأكاديمية
    • Postdoctoral ، Universiti Utara Malaysia، 2016، Economic Policies and FDI
    • PhD in Economics، University of Utara Malaysia، 2015، Political Empowerment and Economic Happiness
    • M.Phil in Economics ، Islamia University , Pakistan ، 2008، Entrepreneurship
    • Masters in Economics ، Islamia University , Pakistan ، 2004، Agricultural Policies and Prices fluctuation
    • Graduation، Bahaudin University, Pakistan، 2002
      الأنشطة البحثية
      - الاهتمامات البحثية
      • Economics
      - العرض في المؤتمرات
      • Gender-Inclusive Workforce Development: Addressing Labor Productivity and Skill Shortages in Oman’s Vision 2040، Program WU Gender and Diversity Conference 2024, ، Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria، 07/03/2024
        - المنشورات
        • 1. 2023 Bridging gaps in wage determination integrating conventional and religious views، 5. Yasmeen, K., Yasmeen, K., Malik, M., & Umar, S. (2023). Bridging gaps in wage determination integrating conventional and religious views. Journal of Tourism and Sports Management (JTSM), 5(3), 1774-1804. SciTech Central Inc., USA.
        • 2. 2023 Impact of Psychological Capital on Academic Adjustment Among International Students From Gulf Corporation Council Countries، Yasmeen, K., Yasmeen, K., Umer, S., Al Ruqishi, B.H. (2023). Impact of Psychological Capital on Academic Adjustment Among International Students From Gulf Corporation Council Countries. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 38(3), 429-446. Link to Article: (https://pjpr.scione.com/cms/abstract.php?id=932)
        • 3. 2023 Zero-day and zero-click attacks on digital banking: a comprehensive review of double trouble، Yasmeen, K., Adnan, M. (2023). Zero-day and zero-click attacks on digital banking: a comprehensive review of double trouble. Risk Management Journal, Volume 4, Issue 25. Link to Article:https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41283-023-00130-4
        • 4. 2023 Omanization Policies and Entrepreneurship، Al Hinai, & Yasmeen, K (2020). Omanization Policies and Entrepreneurship. Pakistan Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences Research Volume No. 03, Issue No.2
        • 5. 2023 Justice in the workplace: Islamic principles for wage determination، 1. Yasmeen, K. (2023), ``Justice in the workplace: Islamic principles for wage determination``, Islamic Economic Studies, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IES-03-2023-0011. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IES-03-2023-0011/full/html
        • 6. 2022 Critical Event Analysis to Terrorism in an Emerging Economy of Pakistan، 10. Shumaila Umer Kausar Yasmeen & Kashifa (2022) “Critical Event Analysis to Terrorism in an Emerging Economy of Pakistan” Research Journal of South Asian Studies. Vol. 37, No. 1, January – June. Punjab University
        • 7. 2022 Analysis of Moderation Effect of Language on the Effect of Psychological Capital on Academic Adjustment in Gulf Corporation Council، 3. Yasmeen et al., (2022) “Analysis of Moderation Effect of Language on the Effect of Psychological Capital on Academic Adjustment in Gulf Corporation Council “Pakistan Journal of Psychology Research. Quaid e Azam University
        • 8. 2019 Myths And Realities Of Microfinance As A Panacea For Empowermen، Yasmeen, K., Yasmeen, K., & Malik, M. (2019) “Myths And Realities Of Microfinance As A Panacea For Empowerment”. Pakistan Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences Research Volume No. 02, Issue No. 01
        • 9. 2018 Entry Mode of Firms in an Emerging Economy: Evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(2), 666-670.، Entry Mode of Firms in an Emerging Economy: Evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(2), 666-670.
        • 10. 2017 ). The Impact of Tax on Economic Growth of Pakistan، 14. Ahmad, N., Ahmad, A., & Yasmeen, K. (2013). The Impact of Tax on Economic Growth of Pakistan: An ARDL Approach. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 3(11), 392-398.
        • 11. 2017 Influence of Country Factors on Entry Mode through Knowledge and Transactional Cost Economics: Market Entry: Evidence from Construction Firms، 12. Yasmeen, K., & Viswanathan, K. (2017). Influence of Country Factors on Entry Mode through Knowledge and Transactional Cost Economics: Market Entry: Evidence from Construction Firms. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 7(3), 581-585
        • 12. 2014 Impact of demographic and loan size on the probabilities of women freedom of movement empowerment، Yasmeen, K., & Abd Karim, M. Z. (2014). Impact of demographic and loan size on the probabilities of women freedom of movement empowerment. International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting, 4(2), 361-376.
        • 13. 2014 Impact of the interaction term between education and loan size on women’s decision making، 16. Yasmeen, K., & Abd Karim, M. Z. (2014). Impact of the interaction term between education and loan size on women’s decision making. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation, 1(1), 123-141.
        • 14. 2014 Psychographic factors influence Saudi consumers’ service quality in hypermarkets.، Al Otaibi, N. M., & Yasmeen, K. (2014). Psychographic factors influence Saudi consumers’ service quality in hypermarkets. International Journal of Learning and Development, 4(4), 97-113.
        • 15. 2014 An overview of customer loyalty, perceived service quality and customer satisfaction: Brief on Saudi grocery stores. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation، Al Otaibi, N. M., & Yasmeen, K. (2014). An overview of customer loyalty, perceived service quality and customer satisfaction: Brief on Saudi grocery stores. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation, 1(1), 79-122.
        • 16. 2013 Inflation and Unemployment: Is the Trade-Off Dead or Alive in Pakistan?. ، 13. Ahmad, N., Yasmeen, K., & Ahmad, A. (2013). Inflation and Unemployment: Is the Trade-Off Dead or Alive in Pakistan?. Pensee Journal, 75(11).
        • 17. 2011 Performance appraisal systems in public sector universities of Pakistan، 15. Anjum, A., Yasmeen, K., & Khan, B. (2011). Performance appraisal systems in public sector universities of Pakistan. International journal of human resource studies, 1(1), 41.
        • 18. 2011 Bullying at work: A comprehensive definition and consequences based on an empirical study، 16. Anjum, A., Yasmeen, K., & Yasmeen, K. (2011). Bullying at work: A comprehensive definition and consequences based on an empirical study. Int. J. Hum. Resour. Stud, 1, 80-88.
        • كتاب:
        • 1. 2023 Islamic Financial Institutions: Case Studies of GCC.، Yasmeen, K. (2023). Islamic Financial Institutions: Case Studies of GCC. LAMBERT Academic Publishing (ISBN: 978-620-6-76853-1). Project ID: #238038
        • 2. 2022 Groundwater impacts on human welfare - Iran case study، Chabokrow, G., Mohammadnia, M., & Yasmeen, K. (2023). Groundwater impacts on human welfare - Iran case study. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. (ISBN: 978-620-6-15352-8).
          خدمة المجتمع
          • 08/03/2024: esearch Projects1. Enhancing Omani Labour Productivity in Oman: Evaluating Tacit Knowledge, Skill, Will, Training, and Policy Reforms Under Oman Vision 2040 Implementation [Funded by TRC, 2023] Role: Principal Investigator [Approved] 2. Healthcare Expenditure, Infrastructure Development, and Health Outcome Nexus: Exploring the Evidence from Oman (Funded by TRC) [Completed] Role: Co-Investigator 3. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), 2019-2020 (Funded by TRC) www.gemconsortium.org [Completed] 4. Omanization Program and Entrepreneurship– FURAP (Funded by TRC) [Completed] Role: Mentor
          • 21/09/2023: My commitment to community and administrative service is deeply embedded in my professional ethos. I have served on multiple departmental and college-level committees, focusing on academic integrity and operational efficiency. My experience with the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor in 2019 has broadened my understanding of Oman`s entrepreneurial landscape, benefiting both my teaching and administrative roles. I have advised 51 students, garnering positive evaluations consistently. Furthermore, my contributions extend to workshop facilitation and academic journal establishment, adding another layer to my community involvement.
            العضوية في الهيئات المهنية
            • 2022-الآن: College Board
            • 2019-201: GEM
            الجوائز والتقدير
            • 2022 Research Award IEEE

            Enhancing Omani Labour Productivity in Oman: Evaluating Tacit Knowledge, Skill, Will, Training, and Policy Reforms Under Oman Vision 2040 Implementation [Funded by TRC, 2023] Role: Principal Investigator [Approved] 2

            الرابط المباشر للصفحة: https://www.unizwa.edu.om/staff/cemis/yasmeen    |    تنزيل السيرة الذاتية