|   01 يوليو 2024م
نظيم موس
نظيم موس
مدرس لغة انجليزية
Foundation Institute...
معهد التأسيس
  • محول: 992
  • البريد الإلكتروني: naziem@unizwa.edu.om
  • موقع المكتب: 2C5C-8

  • Name: Naziem Moos

    Country: South Africa

    Diploma/ Degree: Teachers diploma (Hewat training College, Cape Town, South Africa); TEFL/TESOL (One world Language School; Cape Town, South Africa; BA( University of the Western Cape, Cape Town; South Africa)

    I am passionate about teaching and has close to 30 years of teaching experience ranging from primary, secondary, college and finally university level. I have been teaching in different countries including South Africa (for 22 years); Saudi Arabia (7 years) and now Oman at Nizwa university.

    Hobbies: Walking; travelling; Reading

    Sport interests: Rugby, Athletics and cricket

        الأنشطة البحثية


                          الرابط المباشر للصفحة: https://www.unizwa.edu.om/staff/fi/naziem    |    تنزيل السيرة الذاتية