|   01 يوليو 2024م
موسى اتاندا
موسى اتاندا
مدرس لغة انجليزية
معهد التأسيس
  • محول: 980
  • البريد الإلكتروني: musaatanda@unizwa.edu.om
  • موقع المكتب: 2C5D-13
  • يعمل في الجامعة: منذ 2016

  • Musa Atanda Folami                                                                                                                                                         

    IELP Teacher

    Foundation Institute

    Extention: 980

    eMail: musaatanda@unizwa.edu.om

    Office Location: 2C5D-13 

    Musa obtained both his M.A. and B.A. degrees in English Language from the University of Lagos, Nigeria together with a TESOL certification from International TESOL/TEFL Training Institute, ITTI, New York, United States.

    He was a Senior English Language Instructor at Management Education and Training Limited, Lagos, Nigeria between 2008 and 2014 and taught briefly in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2015. Musa currently holds the position of an English Language Instructor in the Foundation Institute at the University of Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman.

    His area of interests includes English for Specific Purpose, TESOL, Applied Linguistics, Grammar, Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis.

    المؤهلات الأكاديمية
    • M.A. English Language، University of Lagos، 2012
    • B.A. English Language، University of Lagos، 2006
    أنشطة التدريس
    • Intensive English Language Program، 2016-Present
    الأنشطة البحثية
    - الاهتمامات البحثية
    • Applied Linguistics
                العضوية في الهيئات المهنية
                • 2014-الآن: TESOL International


                  الرابط المباشر للصفحة: https://www.unizwa.edu.om/staff/fi/musaatanda    |    تنزيل السيرة الذاتية