|   19 يوليو 2024م

Ms.Horiya Ali Said Al Hoqani
Lab Technician
School of Pharmacy......
كلية العلوم الصحية
  • هاتف: 25446200(968+)
  • محول: 523
  • البريد الإلكتروني: hurya@unizwa.edu.om
  • موقع المكتب: 29-I...
  • يعمل في الجامعة: منذ 2015

  • المؤهلات الأكاديمية
    • M.Sc degree from University of Nizwa, Master of Science, College of Science and Art, Instrumental Analytical Chemistry, Oman, Nizwa.، University of Nizwa، 2021، Isolation and Characterization of Polymeric Chitosan from Omani Shrimp Shells
    • B.Sc. degree from Sultan Qaboos University, Bachelor of Science, College of Science, Biotechnology, Oman, Muscat. ، Sultan Qaboos University، 2015، Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery
      الأنشطة البحثية
      - الاهتمامات البحثية
      • Applications of chitosan in the biomedical and pharmaceutical industries
      • Tissue Engineering
      - العرض في المؤتمرات
      • Structural characterization of polymeric chitosan and mineral from Omani shrimp shells، The First Virtual Analytical Chemistry Conference (23–24 March 2022) Analytical Techniques: Innovation & Challenges، Department of Biological Sciences and Chemistry, College of Arts & Sciences, University of Nizwa.، 23-24/3/2022
        - المنشورات
        • 1. 2021 Structural characterization of polymeric chitosan and mineral from Omani shrimp shells، Water-Energy Nexus, 4, 199-207.
        • 2. 2020 Isolation, characterization and standardization of demineralization process for chitin polymer and minerals from the crabs waste of Portunidae segnis، Advances in Biomarker Sciences and Technology, 2, 45-58.
        • 3. 2020 Optimization of the demineralization process for the extraction of chitin from Omani Portunidae segnis، Biochem Biophys Rep. 2020 Jul 9;23:100779. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrep.2020.100779. PMID: 32676540; PMCID: PMC7352081.
        • 4. 2020 Isolation and optimization of the method for industrial production of chitin and chitosan from Omani shrimp shell.، Carbohydrate research, 492, 108001.
        • 5. 2018 Biological and phytochemical studies of different leaves extracts of Pteropyrum scoparium، Beni-Suef University journal of basic and applied sciences, 7(4), 481-486.


                  الرابط المباشر للصفحة: https://www.unizwa.edu.om/staff/chs/hurya    |    تنزيل السيرة الذاتية