|   01 يوليو 2024م
نسرين كوسر دومي
نسرين كوسر دومي
قسم العمارة والتصميم الداخلي
كلية الهندسة والعمارة
  • هاتف: 25446200(968+)
  • محول: 862
  • البريد الإلكتروني: nasreen.dummi@unizwa.edu.om
  • موقع المكتب: 29E1
  • فاكس: 25446245(968+)
  • يعمل في الجامعة: منذ 2015
  • الحالة الاجتماعية: Married......

  • Architect, Habitat designer, Educator, Member of ISOCARP

    المؤهلات الأكاديمية
    • M.Arch. Habitat design ( Urban) ، BMS College of Engineering,Bangalore, Vishweshwaraiah technical university، 2008
    • B.Arch. ، Malnad College of Engineering,Hassan, Mysore University، 2003
    أنشطة التدريس
    • Architecture Design
    • Urban Design
    • Landscape design
    • Materials and Building Construction
    • Building Specification & Estimation
    • Islamic Architecture
    • Digital Graphics
    • Human behavior in the built environments
    • Planning Principles
    • Engineering drawing
    • Professional Practice
    • Perspective
    • Architectural Graphics
    • Graduation Project Coordination
    • Graduation Project Supervision
    الأنشطة البحثية
    - الاهتمامات البحثية
    • Urban design, Universal Urbanism, Public spaces, Landscape Design,Human Behavior in built environments,Teaching , Teaching pedagogy
    - العرض في المؤتمرات
    • The 3 C’s Climate – Context – Culture- Transition of Oasis settlements of Oman from traditional to contemporary era، 2nd International conference on Sustainable urban development, resource conservation and food security.، Beary`s Knowledge campus, Beary`s Enviro Architecture Design school. Mangalore, India، 08/08/2020
    • Souq- As Urban Public space Strategies and Principles for rejuvenating healthy inclusive urban public spaces in the era of post pandemic – A case of Nizwa Souq، National poster competition second Dhofar university undergraduate student research competition. Authored by me and Co Authored by my students، Dhofar University, Salaala. Oman، March/2023
    • Urban shopping streets as a sustainable public space. A case of MG Road , Bangalore، International conference on Architectural Anthropology، Dr. MGR Educational and Research institute, Chennai , India. ، 18th July 2019
    • Sustainable urban design strategies towards sustainable urban future. “ a case of growing multiple city centers from a single traditional center within mudfort of ancient Bangalore”، 2nd International conference on Future Smart Cities ( FSC )( SPRINGER),IEREK- International Expert for Research Enrichment & Knowledge Exchange. ، Xiamen University, Malaysia ، November 2019
      - المنشورات
      الخبرة الإدارية
      • 2019 - الآن: Department Website Co ordinator
        Department updates in the Website
      • 2018 - الآن: Course Co ordinator
        Perspective, Graphics, Building Construction
      • 2017 - 2018: Thesis (Graduation) Project coordinator
      • 2015 - الآن: Academic advisor
      خدمة المجتمع
      • 13/0503/2023: 3. Organizer for conducting International Virtual Workshop on Frame work for “ Research Paper Writing” at Department of Architecture and Interior design, College of Engineering and Architecture, University of Nizwa, Oman. In collaboration with SJB School of Architecture and planning, Bengaluru, India.
      • 27/03/2023: . Organizer for conducting International Virtual Workshop for students on “RECIPROCAL FRAMES” Alternate Long-Span Roofing Structure. at Department of Architecture and Interior design, College of Engineering and Architecture, University of Nizwa, Oman. In collaboration with SJB School of Architecture and planning, Bengaluru, India.
      • 23/07/2022: Resource person for Webinar for students at KL School of Architecture. India. “Arhitectural Conservation Challenges – case study of conservation project in Oman “
      • 10th to 21st June ,2021: I was the resource person for online International Short term Course held for 10 days, in collaboration with University of Nizwa, Oman and Heritage Institute in India. 1.“THE LEGACY OF ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE IN THE LANDS OF ISLAM”
        العضوية في الهيئات المهنية
        • 2024-الآن: ISOCARP – International Society of City and Regional Planners
        • 2011-الآن: • Member of All India Council of Architects. Ministry of Education, Government of India.
        • 2010-الآن: • Registered member in BMP, (Bangalore Mahanagara Palike) Karnataka state.
        الجوائز والتقدير
        • 2008 M.Arch Thesis Topper @BMS College of Engineering, VTU University
