|   21 يوليو 2024م
Dr.  Ahmed Abdul Rahim Ali Abusham
Dr. Ahmed Abdul Rahim Ali Abusham
Associate Professor and Assistant Dean for Training
School of Pharmacy...
كلية العلوم الصحية
  • هاتف: 432(968+)
  • محول: 432
  • البريد الإلكتروني: abusham@unizwa.edu.om
  • موقع المكتب: 33-26...
  • يعمل في الجامعة: منذ 2011

  • •Qualification (Degree of University)

    PhD., Clinical Pharmacy, Omdurman University (Sudan)

    MSc Clinical Pharmacy, University of Derby (UK).

    PGDip Clinical Pharmacy, Queens University (UK)


    • Areas of Specialization – teaching

    Teaching Advanced pharmacy practice and therapeutics to undergraduate and graduate pharmacy students and 6th year medical students.


    • Research interest

    Researcher and reviewer in clinical pharmacy practice teaching/learning, infectious diseases, oncology and haematology therapeutics.


    • Awards
    • The 3rd prize winner for the oral competition at the first International conference for “Pharmacy Education in the Era of Globalization”. University of Nizwa, Oman. Jan 25, 2012
    • Certificate of appreciation conferred by the Acting Hospital Director, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, OMAN. June 2006
    • Letter of Thanks for outstanding performance in pharmacy service conferred by HE the Chancellor, Sultan Qaboos University, OMAN. February 13, 2001.
    • Award certificate for recognition of outstanding poster presentation in: SQU Research Day , OMAN. February 26, 2001.

    المؤهلات الأكاديمية
    • PhD، Omdurman University، 2010
    • MSc، Derby University (UK) ، 2001
    أنشطة التدريس
    • Pharmacotherapy III، This course discusses the disease related aspects and the management of major infectious diseases, haematological disorders and malignancies The course focuses on the epidemiology, pathophysiology, etiology, clinical manifestations, pharmacological and non-pharmacological management, patient monitoring and education associated with the mentioned diseases.، 3 CH
    • Advanced Clinical Chemistry، This course covers the fundamentals of laboratory medicine and its importance in screening, diagnosis and interpretation of patient`s clinical data relevant to pharmacological management of diseases. It describes biochemistry, haematology and microbiology laboratory investigations, their significance and application.، 2 CH
    • Advanced Pharmacy Practice، The course is an advanced course in continuation to pharmacy practice I and practice II courses. This course includes advanced scenarios on patient management where student acquires skills to make informed pharmacotherapy decision that is patient focused, evidence based, cost effective and clinically sound، 2 CH
    الأنشطة البحثية
    - الاهتمامات البحثية
    • My research targets Pharmacy Education as well as patient care aspects in relation to infections, susceptibility testing, antimicrobial stewardship, antimicrobial resistance and rational use of antimicrobials. I also, research haematology focusing on therapeutics of haemoglobinopathies e.g. sickle cell disease and thalassaemia. I am Also interested in pharmacy education research.
        - المنشورات
        • 1. 2018 Abusham AA, Al-Harthy NA. Omani Students Involvement in Evaluating Their Pharmacy Program. Int J Clin Pharmacol Pharmacother. 2018, 3: 136. doi: https://doi.org/10.15344/2456-3501/2018/136 ---- PubMed Central
        • 2. 2018 Abusham AA, AlRawahi HR. Analysis of Computer-Generated Drug Label Errors in a Tertiary Care Hospital. J Pharm Pract Community Med. 2018; 4(3):150-4. the official journal of Indian Academy of Pharmacists (IAOP). ---- Google scholar, Hinari (WHO) and Index Copernicus.، Abusham AA, AlRawahi HR. Analysis of Computer-Generated Drug Label Errors in a Tertiary Care Hospital. J Pharm Pract Community Med. 2018; 4(3):150-4. the official journal of Indian Academy of Pharmacists (IAOP). ---- Google scholar, Hinari (WHO) and Index Copernicus.
        • 3. 2018 Abusham A. The ‘Never’ List: Promoting Patient Safety by preventing Medication error. Int. J Pharm 2018; 8(2): 34-37. ---- Index Copernicus Value 2016 = 79.3 - IF: 0.46*، Abusham A. The ‘Never’ List: Promoting Patient Safety by preventing Medication error. Int. J Pharm 2018; 8(2): 34-37. ---- Index Copernicus Value 2016 = 79.3 - IF: 0.46*
        • 4. 2017 Alawi, S M., Hussain M A., Abusham A. A. Antimicrobial and cytotoxic comparative study of different extracts of Omani and Sudanese Gum acacia. Beni- Suef Univ. J. Basic Appl. Sci. 2017, 10.007 --- DOAJ, Elsevier
        • 5. 2016 Abusham, A.A., Mohammed, A.H. Evaluation of Helicobacter pylori Eradication Therapy in Dyspeptic Patients in a Teaching Hospital. Int J Clin Pharmacol Pharmacother 2016; 1: 104. doi: https://doi.org/10.15344/2456-3501/2016/104. --- PubMed Central
        • 6. 2012 Sickle Cell Anemia; Findings in Sickle Cell Anemia Reported from A.A. Abusham and Co-Researchers (2012). Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week; Atlanta (Apr 14, 2012: 565. ---- Publisher: Atlanta, GA, US: NewsRx.com
        • 7. 2012 Al-Zakwani, I., Ali, A., Zubaid, M., Panduranga, P., Sulaiman, K., Abusham, A., Almahmeed, W., Al-Motarreb, A., Suwaidi, J. Al, Amin, H. Impact of type of thrombolytic agent on in-hospital outcomes in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients in the Middle East. J. Thromb. Thrombolysis. 2012, 33, 280– 286. --- Clinical Medicine and Index Medicus/MEDLINE - IF 2.62 - Springer
        • 8. 2012 Abusham, A.A., Mohammed, A.H., Alkindi, S.S., Hassan, M.M., Al-Zakwani, I.S.,. Sub-optimal serum gentamicin concentrations in sickle cell disease patients utilizing the Hartford protocol. J. Clin. Pharm.Ther. 2012, 37, 212–216. ---- ---- © John Wiley & Sons Ltd IF 1.66، Abusham, A.A., Mohammed, A.H., Alkindi, S.S., Hassan, M.M., Al-Zakwani, I.S.,. Sub-optimal serum gentamicin concentrations in sickle cell disease patients utilizing the Hartford protocol. J. Clin. Pharm.Ther. 2012, 37, 212–216. ---- ---- © John Wiley & Sons Ltd IF 1.66
        • 9. 2005 Amna Al-Hashar, Intisar Al-Busaidi, Aqeela Taqi, Ahmed Abusham, Elizabeth Worthing, Bruno Louis, Margaret Kyegombe, Kassim Al-Riyami, Yolande Hanssens The development of a clinical pharmacy intervention form. A pilot study. Pharmacy World & Science. 2005; 27: A 1–102., vol. 27, issue A 1 p. 102 --- ----© John Wiley & Sons Ltd IF 1.66
        • 10. 2004 Worthing E, Al-Riyamy K, Tagi A, Abusham A, A.H., 2004. Clinical Accuracy Checking Exercises: development of a versatile tool for teaching and assessing 11 clinical practice Title, in: Monash Pharmacy Practice Symposium, Melbourne, Australia. 2004.
        • 11. 2004 12. Al-Riyamy K, Worthing E, Abusham A. Al-Hashar A, Taqi A, Hanssens Y, Leuis B K. A novel training programme for Health Scientists: MSc in Biomedical Sciences, with major in Clinical Pharmacy. Monash Pharmacy Practice Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, 2004.
        • 12. 2003 Ahmed Abusham. Sultan Qaboos University Research Day Winners. New facts: Dr. Marshal Ingested Helicobacter pylori to prove that it causes gastritis. AlWatan Newspaper (Arabic). Jan 6. 2003, p5. --- Official Newspaper of Oman
        • 13. 2000 Hanssens Y., Abusham A., Al-Zadjali B., Al-Ghadhib M., Al Ajmi S., Al Kindy M., Arellano D., Al-Riyamy K. How can the reporting of adverse drug reaction be improved. Pharmacy World & Science.2000; 22, -A 7-12. vol. 22, issue A 7 p. 102 --- ----© John Wiley & Sons Ltd IF 1.66
        الخبرة الإدارية
        • 2017 - الآن: Assistant Dean for Training - UoN
          Ministry of health hospitals training, Industry training and TRC training
            العضوية في الهيئات المهنية
            • 2019-الآن: 2018- present: member, The American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) 2011- Present: Member/Chairperson in 17 committees at University of Nizwa. 2000- 2007: Member in 6 committees at university of Sultan Qaboos University.
            الجوائز والتقدير
            • 2012 Prize: 3rd prize for oral competition: First International conference. Pharmacy education in the era of globalization. University of Nizwa. January 25-26, 2012.
            • 2005 Certificate of appreciation for the contribution in establishing an internationally recognized pharmacy services conferred by Chief Pharmacist. Pharmacy Department, SQUH, OMAN. May 2005.
            • 2001 Award certificate for recognition of outstanding research poster presentation in: SQU Research Day, OMAN. February 26, 2001.
            • 2001 Award Certificate for outstanding performance in pharmacy service conferred by HE The Chancellor, Sultan Qaboos University, OMAN. February 13, 2001.


            الرابط المباشر للصفحة: https://www.unizwa.edu.om/staff/chs/abusham    |    تنزيل السيرة الذاتية