|   21 يوليو 2024م
Dr. Afaf  Mohammed Weli
Dr. Afaf Mohammed Weli
Associate Professor and Graduation Project coordinator
School of Pharmacy...
كلية العلوم الصحية
  • هاتف: 25446200(968+)
  • محول: 731
  • البريد الإلكتروني: afaf@unizwa.edu.om
  • موقع المكتب: 33-14...
  • الحالة الاجتماعية: ..

  • Associate professor in organic pharmaceutical chemistry

    Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Uppsala, Sweden, 1980 - 1985

    (Ph.D. in Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry)

    Teaching Philosophy

    My mission statement arises from the strong belief in 1) as educators in a professional program we have a very important role to play in shaping the future of our students and society at large. 2) that students must take responsibility for the learning process and their educational progress.  3) the significant role that staff, lab technicians and graduate students play in the success and progress of our school. Therefore, I always endeavor to foster an academic environment which enhances my optimal educational, scholarly, social and cultural growth and that of all students, staff and faculty colleagues.

    My teaching goal is to link course performance with the development of general educational and learning outcomes and skills, general chemical science skills, and specific subject matter skills. I also want students to learn that expressing their ideas is a necessary and critical component to learning.

    Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry II course is ``intellectually stimulating and challenging,`` In teaching thiscourse, I always emphasize its relevance to the practice of pharmacy. This course offers the students an opportunity to revisit many of the prerequisite courses including organic chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and anatomy. Also integrate concepts from pharmacology and therapeutics.  In addition, part of these courses is to educate students on how drugs are discovered, regulated, metabolized and make it through clinical trials.  Further, I teach about drug classes in the context of drug-receptor interactions to the extent possible and explain how to construct structure–activity relationships (SAR), key concepts in understanding the relationship between chemical structure and pharmacological activity for a drug class. Also using the structurally based therapeutic evaluation (SBTE) concept which retains the key foundational knowledge in medicinal chemistry integrates clinical relevance and applies that knowledge to the practice of pharmacy and the provision of pharmaceutical care.

         Evidence of students achieving course objectives includes student performance on examinations and instructors` positive perceptions of the quality of student participation in the in-class discussion.  Examination questions contain short essay (15%-20% of an examination), true and false (15%-20%) and multiple-choice format are (40%-60%) based on SBTE case studies.  Students are challenged to answer questions based on recalling critical basic science knowledge, integrating that knowledge with key patient clinical information including: current and past medical history; side effects the patient is experiencing; potential drug-drug and drug-food interactions; and pharmacokinetic parameters, and finally make an appropriate clinical decision for the patient. Student performance on the essay part of the examinations provides evidence of an in-depth understanding of lesson and course content with several students providing what would be considered as key answers. Also students are asked to select a drug and apply the knowledge they gained in the pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry course to give an in-class presentation.

    In advanced phytotherapy course, I emphasize to my students the importance of a good understanding of traditional therapies especially with plants and in the process make them better prepared to help the Omani society where the use of such traditional therapies is common.  Therefore, in this course, students learn the active constituents of the plants, their therapeutic effects, toxic effects and potential for drug interaction. In addition to their performance on examinations, the students are asked to select a plant, collect it dry and do a literatures search about that plant. The students became so interested that they asked the university to allow them to start a botanical garden. In the last few years we have started research on Omani plants as part of their graduation project.  This was the first time for the students to experience lab research .  


    I believe that service reflects the obligation that faculty have to share their disciplinary expertise, professional experience, time and energy in activities at the community and University  levels in ways that meet needs and contribute to the University’s mission.

    As such, I have been involved in committees and activities of the school, college and the university in general. It is through these “out of classroom” activities that I can comprehend the system to which I belong, by engaging in other cooperative and professional quests. My positive attitude toward leadership, participation, collaboration, as well as team work are evident in the various activities I undertake.

    Since my employment at Nizwa University in 2006, I served as an academic advisor for  pharmacy students. As an academic advisor I help the students to define and develop their personal and academic goals.  I work with each student to identify his/her individual needs and refer each to the proper campus resource. I take extra time to advise students who change majors, or are in academic trouble, making sure that they are referred to the Undergraduate Advising Resource Center (UARC).  As a member of the UARC, I always maintain current knowledge of academic policies and any changes in pharmacy plans, and I communicate with the registrar office to solve as much as 1 can any problems with registration.

    In regard to the curriculum, I served on the school curriculum committee as a member for  two years and was directly involved in improving our pharmacy program to improve the flow, clarity and overall organization of the courses to enhance  students learning. I was involved in developing a master plan for Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry.

    On the 3rd of  November 2009 The school of pharmacy held a workshop for pharmacy staff in Al-Dakhliya region on storage of drug, I was a speaker, and I received  a thank letter from the Directorate General of Health Services-Al-Dakhliya Region- Ministry of health for that.



    Research is a process through which we acquire knowledge and it is part of the university of Nizwa mission. For me, research supports progress in teaching, training of students, and understanding the natural world.

    In general, my research interests lie in the areas of chemistry and phytochemistry.  I began my research at the University of Nizwa through projects for students in the undergraduate Pharmacy bachelor program. I finished one project funded by the Nizwa University and two projects that were funded by TRC. I am currently working on several plants research projects with the undergraduate students. .  There is also an intention to expand the research to be engaged in advanced fields of chemistry and medicinal chemistry.  

        الأنشطة البحثية


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