|   July 23, 2024

Heat Transfer Fluid  Laboratory

Location: Bldg 29 G

Description :

This course provides laboratory experiences that make theoretical heat transfer principles substantial. It will cover topics on Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger (Counter and Parallel Flow Pattern), Linear and Radial Heat Conduction, Determination of Thermal Conductivity of a Fluid, Demonstration of Inverse Square Law of Radiation, Determination of Emissivity of Radiating Surfaces with Different Finishes, Thermal Conductivity of Insulating Materials and  Thermo-electric Heat Pump. 


Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger


Determine the heat transfer rate of shell & tube heat exchanger and the difference between parallel flow pattern and counter flow pattern of the system.

Determine the overall heat transfer coefficient by using log mean temperature difference under a different flow rate. 


 Thermo-Electric Heat Pump




 Peltier Effect 

Thompson or Lenz Effect

Coefficient of Performance of Refrigerator 




Conductivity of Insulating Material





Investigate the thermal conductivity of Kaolin, Mica and Calcium Carbonate as insulating materials. 

 Linear Heat Conduction Unit






Radial Heat  Conduction Unit





Laws of Radiant Heat Transfer and Radian Heat Exchange