
المؤتمر الحادي عشر لمشاريع التخرج


Towards Advanced Technology Practice


10th May 2022




11th National Symposium on Engineering Final Year Projects (NSEFYP)

Initial campus of the University of Nizwa, Brikat Al-Mouz.


11 NSEFYP Proceedings (Abstracts)


National Symposium on Engineering Final Year Projects (NSEFYP) is an annual symposium organized by College of Engineering and Architecture at the University of Nizwa. The symposium originated in 2011 with a contribution from universities representing the diverse regions within the Sultanate of Oman. The symposium provides a platform for sharing the latest innovation and research in engineering technologies and sciences as well as their potentials for industrial application. As per the decisions of supreme COVID 19 committee in Oman, the eleventh NSEFYP will be held online and the sessions will be conducted via Microsoft teams platform. 


Topics of interest for submission include, but not limited to:

  • Architecture and Interior Design
  • Civil Engineering.
  • Chemical, Biochemical and Petrochemical Engineering
  • Computer Science and Information Technology.
  • Electrical, computer, communication and Electronic Engineering.
  • Energy and Environment and Resources.
  • Material Science.
  • Mechanics and Mechatronics.
  • Industrial and Manufacturing.


Call for Papers:

All submitted papers will be reviewed and evaluated by the scientific committee of the symposium based on correctness, readability and relevance to conference themes. The accepted full papers will be published in the symposium proceedings. 

Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit their abstract and full papers by this link: Click here 


 Paper Format Template:


Accepted papers will be invited for oral presentation or poster presentation as per the recommendations by the scientific committee. The format of the presentations is available on the symposium webpage.



Important Dates:


Starting date for paper submission: March 10th, 2022
Deadline for full paper submission:  April 17th, 2022
Notification of acceptance: April 24th, 2022
Final Camera-Ready submission:  May 1st , 2022
Symposium day: May 10th, 2022



Contact us on:


Organization Committee.

College of Engineering and Architecture

University of Nizwa- Birkat Al Mouz, postal code 616 Nizwa-Oman

Tel: 25446200/Ext 382






H.E. Prof. Dr.Ahmed Al Rawahi


Prof. Dr. Hussein Ali Al Abdulkadir



Chairman of Organizing Committee

    Dr.Wameath Shawqi Abdul-Majeed 


Organizing Committee


Dr.Ali Abdulhafidh, Dr.Luai AL Jubori,  Dr.Qadir Imran, Dr. Yasir Ali Elshiekh,Dr.Qadir Imran , Dr.Qazi Naser, Dr.Wael Khudhayer , Mrs.Aysha Haroon, Mrs.Sofia Sebastian , Mrs.Anju Parameswaran .

Logistics Committee


Eng.Mohammed AL-Busaidi, Eng.Hanan AL-Riyami, Eng.ALKhattab AL-Rawahi, Eng.Ruqaiya AL Maawali, Eng.Khalid Masoud AL Hosni,Mr.Mohammed AL Qarni, Mr.Jamal AL Kindi, Ms.Zubaida AL Dhafri, Mr.Rashid Sinad ALamri, Mr.Abdullah AL Adawi,Mr.Suleiman Mohammed AL Riyami,Mr.Tariq Ibrahim , Mrs. Aisha Al Abri, Mrs.Zeyana AL Manni.





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